Dr. Peter Michael Plourde, also known as Professor Lyrical, is a highly respected Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of the District Columbia (UDC) who also directs faculty development at its Lamond Riggs Campus. He is also a renowned Hip Hop artist who seamlessly blends academic excellence with creative expression. Professor Lyrical is a Subject Matter Expert for QuSTEAM, an NSF-funded initiative that is developing a transformative undergraduate curriculum in quantum science. He has won numerous awards and battles for his masterful lyricism and has spoken and performed at scores of institutions (see sample list below).

About Professor Lyrical
Cultivating Equitable Communities | Fostering Inclusive Environments | Creating Brave Spaces

Professor Lyrical - Sample of College/University/Corporate Performances & Talk
Career Tech Educators PD For DCPS-MLK Library, Washington, DC - AI Training and Freestyles with Pro -Presentation 08/20/24
Tae Kwon Do College Belt Ceremony -Fairfax, VA -Freestyle Performance (Trophy Presentation) - 08/18/24
Alexandria 275 Birthday Party -Old Town Alexandria, VA on the Potomac, Perform w/Henry, Nicole Maestro Jim -ASO 07/13/24
Am. Fed. of Teachers -Share My Lesson Conference Harmonizing Math & Hip-Hop: -Presentation A Creative Journey Beyond Numbers 03/19/24
QuSTEAM Conference -Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois. -Presentation/Performance on Quantum STEM Education 07/11/23
Fairfax Regional Library (Fairfax, VA), -IntroVerse w/Bernard & Pro, Performance based workshop - helping introverts prosper 06/08/23
UVA Community Based Workshop -Lighthouse Video, Charlottesville, VA -Rap performance, Interview, Video Workshop 02/20/23
UVA Community Based Workshop -Lighthouse Video, Charlottesville, VA -Rap performance, Interview, Video Workshop 01/23/23
Drill Down-Level Up Music Conference -Destin, Florida, Performance 01/20/23
UVA Community Based Workshop -Lighthouse Video, Charlottesville, VA -Rap performance, Interview, Video Workshop 11/07/22
UVA Community Based Workshop -Lighthouse Video, Charlottesville, VA -Rap performance, Interview, Video Workshop 10/27/22
US Naval Academy -Annapolis, MD -National Quantum Literacy Conference -Panel Discussion/Rap Performance/Talk 10/07/22
UDC-CC Washington, DC -First-Year Student Orientation -MC/Rap Performance of "Yo That's Pro" 06/01/22
Grand Rapids Com. College (Grand Rapids, MI) Vibrate Higher: An Evening w/Talib Kweli -Video Intro 04/06/22
Physics Fiesta -Solorio Academy HS, Chicago, Il - Rap performance of Yo That's Pro & STEAM SONG 03/18/22
LA County "Our SPOT" -Professional development session, Positive Youth Development via Hip Hop Culture 03/12/22
Verizon Innovative Learning -Young Men of Color Workshop -Guest Speaker 01/29/22
Amani Public Charter School (Mt. Vernon-NY) -Poetry Workshop & Slam -Speaker/Performer 06/01/21
Pound the Mic (Poetry Slam, Winner) -Haverhill, MA (Online) 04/23/21
Colorado University (Denver) -Dismantling the Stereotype, "Auraria Gotz Talent" -Guest Performance 04/20/21
National Math Festival (Syracuse, NY) -"Rapping with the Professor" (The Math of Songwriting) 04/17/21
ARTIVISM w/Dr. Noosh -Center for Identity and Inclusion at Colorado University -Guest Spoken Word Performance 03/21/21
National Math Festival -"Hip Hop Math with Professor Lyrical," Talk/Performance/Concert 01/12/21
National Math Festival -“Performing New Steps Together” National Math Festival Presenters -Talk/Performance 05/27/20
Missouri Virtual Academy -"Careers in Education and Training; STEM; Information Technology" (Manchester, MO) -V. Talk Guest Speaker 02/25/20
UDC -"The Power of the March, MLK & a Legacy of Activism, host: Rev. Mark Thompson"(Washington, DC) -Performance and Panelist 01/29/20
Argosy Collegiate Charter High School -"Hip Hop, STEM and STEAM with Professor Lyrical" (Fall River, MA) -Performance and Talk 11/22/19
Success Academy at Knotts -"The Relationship of Speed & Energy (w/My Career as Educator/Arist)" (Kansas City, MO) -V. Talk Presenter 11/04/19
University of the District of Columbia -UDC Film Festival (Washington, DC), -Performance 11/02/19
Guadalupe Centers HS -"How High School is Relevant to me, even if I am not Going to College (Kansas City, MO)- V. Talk Presenter 10/31/19
Kennedy Center -Words Beats & Life Festival (Washington, DC) -Performance 10/06/19
WNBA/Washington Mystics/Deloitte -“MysticSTEM rap” (Washington, DC), halftime Mystics/STEM rap -performance 08/11/19
John Adams Elementary -"Father Figures” (Alexandria, VA) Mentoring men about being a father -Guest Speaker 06/18/19
Johnson & Whales -Prof. Viscardi's Hip Hop Culture Class, Discussion (Providence, RI) -Guest Speaker 05/01/19
UDC "Ourstories" -Performance & Discussion (Washington, DC) -Host/Performance 03/29/19
Alden Theatre -TedxTysons (Special Pitch Event), Crampton Auditorium (Maclean, VA) -Performance 03/20/19
Howard University -TedxLedroitPark, Crampton Auditorium (Washington, DC) -Performance 02/27/19
League for Innovation Conference -Marriot Marquis (NYC) -Talk & Performance 02/25/19
UDC "Word of Issues" -Performance & Discussion (Washington, DC) -Host/Performance 11/26/18
Columbia University -#HipHopEd Conference (Washington, DC) -Paper & Performance 06/10/18
USA Science & Engineering Festival/AMS -Who Wants to be a Mathematician? (Washington, DC) -Featured Performance 04/06/18
Arlington Cinema (Arlington, VA) -Awesome NOVA "Awesome Pitch Night," -Performance 4/04/18
Roger Williams University w/Times2 Academy (Bristol, RI) -“STEM Talks,” -Talk & Performance w/Q&A 03/08/18
MIT (Cambridge, MA) -Professor Karatsolis Rhetoric Class Visit -Talk/Performance 03/08/18
Times2 Institute STEM (Warwick, RI) -“STEM Talks,” -Closing Talk & Performance 11/29/17
Busboys & Poets @ 5th & K (Washington, DC) -Feature Performance/Spoken Word 11/15/17
UDC David A. Clarke School of Law (Washington, DC) -Gender Justice Project Conference, -Performance/Talk 10/20/17
Howard University (Washington, DC) -Beats & Books (Music industry/education), -Panelist/Talk 10/18/17
Connecticut College (New London, CT) -Mellon Mays Undergrad Fellowship “Pathways to the Professoriate,” -Lecture 10/09/17
UDC (Washington, DC) -UDC Film Festival Closing "I Am Not Your Negro," -Performance 09/23/17
UDC (Washington, DC) -Fall 2017 UDC Convocation Closing Selection, -Performance 09/20/17
Kennedy Center (Washington, DC) -Pitch & Flow (Lyrical Winner for Sunculture.com), -Performance 09/13/17
Northeastern Univ. (Boston) -"NeXT" Experiential Learning Conference for inaugural cohort 07/19/17
USC (LA, CA) -Prof. Shafiqa Ahmadi & Darnell Coles' 1st Spoken Justice event Center for Ed. Identity & Soc. Justice, -Feat. Performance 03/09/17
USC (Los Angeles, CA) -"Dr. V." Class visit, -Discussion 03/08/17
MIT (Cambridge, MA) -Professor Karatsolis Rhetoric Class Visit "Helping Scientist Communicate Effectively," -Discussion/Performance 03/02/17
UMass-Boston -Boston Public Library Showcase Massachusetts Hip Hop -Archive, Talk 11/19/16
Boston Public Library (Rabb Hall) -Shakespeare Smackdown (winner), -Performance/Battle 10/25/16
SEIU1199 Union Hall (Dorchester, MA), -Hip Hop 4 Flint Boston -Performance 3/19/16
333 Tremont, Boston, MA -Cipher Divine, Hip Hop Education (Lyricism), -Performance/Class 3/05/16
MIT (Cambridge, MA) -Professor Karatsolis Rhetoric Class Visit "Helping Scientist Communicate Effectively," -Discussion/Performance 02/18/16
Landmark College (Putney, VT) -Self-Betterment and Redefining your Identity, -Performance/Talk 02/08/16
UTEC (Lowell, MA) -Lyricism contest, discussion and performance, -Performance/Talk 01/20/16
UTEC (Lowell, MA) -Lyricism discussion and performance, -Performance/Talk 12/16/15
Northeastern "Texpo" Keynote Presentation/Performance -A Conversation on Engagement for Faculty/Staff 03/17/15
UPCEA Equinox Inn (Manchester, VT) -Closing Session/Keynote "Harnessing the Power of Hip Hop in Higher Ed" 10/31/14
Tech Boston Academy, Dorchester, MA -Presentation/Talk w/students 10/01/14
UMass-Lowell -University Crossing -Performance 09/27/14
Central Connecticut State University -Performance 09/11/14
Northeastern University (Boston) –Boston Celtics "Stay in School" event, -Keynote/Performance 05/22/14
Boston College -Hip Hop, Its History, Its Effects, -Featured Panelist/Performer 05/08/14
Emerson College -Victory Stride, 60 Years of Civil Rights Progress, -Featured Performer/Speaker 02/26/14
UMass-Boston -Class Presentation w/Dr. Pacey Foster (Creative Markets and Hip Hop), -Speaker 02/20/14
Boston College -Black History Month (Hip Hop & Black History), -Panel/Speaker 02/19/14
Bristol Community College -Gateway Program Guest Speaking Event, -Speaker/Performance 10/11/13
University of Colorado Denver -SANKOFA Speaker Series with Dr. Robert Clift, Chuck D & Professor Lyrical, -Performer/Speaker 9/26/14
Northeastern University (Boston) -Incoming Student Event, -Emcee/Host/Speaker/Performance 09/03/13
Northeastern University (Boston) -Boston Parks & Recreation Summer Concert, -Emcee/Performance 07/22/13
Northeastern University (Boston) -Boston Celtics "Stay in School" event, -Keynote/Performance 05/23/13
MIT Media Lab -Museum of Science/Intel Computer Clubhouse, -Speaker/Performance 10/12/12
Northeastern Univ. (Boston) -Boston Celtics "Stay in School" event, -Keynote/Performance 05/23/12
Southern NH University (SNHU) -NHHEAF Destination College -Keynote, Speaker/Performance 03/24/12
New England Institute of Art (Boston) -College wax cylinder recording w/John Krivit, -Workshop Speaker 03/23//12
Northeastern University (Boston) -Sickle Cell Event w/ Prodigy of Mobb Deep, -Host/Performance 11//10/11
MCI Norfolk State Prison -La Familia and Young Father's Event, -Speaker/Performance 10/29/11
Northeastern University (Boston) -LASO.CVS @ AfterHours w/Yunel Cruz, -Performance 10/28/11
Northeastern University (Boston) -Color in Freedom, -Speaker/Performance 08/21/11
Possible Project (Cambridge) -High School student entrepreneurialism talk, -Speaker/Performance 08/14/11
Community Charter School of Cambridge -Career Glimpse, -Speaker/Performance 08/11/11
Northeastern University (Boston) -Boston Celtics "Stay in School" event, -Keynote/Performance 05/26/11
Southern NH University (SNHU) -NHHEAF Destination College -Keynote/Performance 03/26/11
New England Institute of Art (Boston), -Speak/Performance 12/02/10
Northeastern University (Boston) -Class Presentation w/Prof. Emmett Price, -Speak/Performance 12/01/10
Showa Institute of Japan (Boston), -Speak/Performance 10/24/10
Showa Institute of Japan (Boston), -Speak/Performance 05/04/10
Bay State College -Haley House (Dorchester), -Performance/Benefit 04/22/10
Southern NH University (SNHU) –NHHEAF Destination College Readiness, -Speak/Performance 03/28/09
Curry College –Healthy Choices W/District Attorney Keating, -Speak/Performance 03/12/09
Northeastern University -Sports in Society, -Speak/Performance 05/07/08
Harvard Graduate School of Education -Black Student Union Youth Day, -Speak/Performance 04/21/08
Southern NH University (SNHU) -NHHEAF "How College Made the Difference," -Panel/Performance 03/22/08
Berklee College –Songwriting Department Guest Lecturer, -Speak/Performance 02/19/08
Harvard Grad School of Education -Black Student Union Youth Day, -Speak/Performance 04/21/07
Bristol Community College -NE Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, -Performance 04/20/07
Bentley College -"The Business & Culture of Hip Hop," -Speak/Performance 04/06/07
Bentley College -"The Business & Culture of Hip Hop; Historical Context," -Lecture/Performance 04/05/07
Eastern Nazarene College -Youth Violence Prevention, -Keynote/Performance 04/03/07
Plymouth State College -8th NHHEAF Destination College, -Panel/Performance 03/17/07
Harvard Graduate School of Education -Screening of "Beyond Beats & Rhymes," -Panel/Workshop 02/26/07
Emmanuel College -Screening of "Beyond Beats & Rhymes,” -Panel/Performance 02/01/07
Democracy Center Harvard -Screening of "Beyond Beats & Rhymes,” -Panel/Performance 01/23/07
New England Institute of Art -IBS Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS), -Panel/Performance 11/04/06
Video Intro of Talib Kweli ft. Pro at Grand Rapids Community College 4/6/22
Full Video Talib Kweli ft. Pro Lyrical Intro at Grand Rapids Community College 4/6/22

My Son Henry's Amazing Coding Work!
Professor Lyrical is an in-demand public speaker and performer who has keynoted numerous events and participated in multiple Tedx Talks as well. A member of X-Caliber, Invasion, and now ProQuo, Pro's impressive catalogue continues to grow while painting a unique picture of his storied history as an elite master-craftsmen lyricist and social justice advocate. A faculty developer and associate professor of mathematics, Pro brings a completely unique perspective to all of his events. Contact him directly at Lyrical@ProfessorLyrical.com today.